SANA Media Group was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1995, within the world of media, production and distribution. Its productions were distinguished as an educational and artistic products for children. Later it launched its satellite channel that was continued to broadcast for 3 years from different satellites. It is officially registered in the UK and recently in Turkey to continue what it was started initially, and to celebrate its 25 years of establishment and active interaction. All of its rights of production, distribution and printing are reserved and documented. Moreover, it is connected with a legal representation in some countries without having any branch that is related to its central administration and its board of trustees.
To contribute to children and family media operationally and technically, in a regenerative way. Also, our programmatic addition of the audio, visual and publication will configure a balanced, positive, aware and modern generation that cherishes its identity while capable of building a bright future believing in goodness, truth and beauty values.

To commit to the moral and cultural system of the nation and the peoples of the Middle East, while giving attention and taking care of the Arabic language, broadcasting and educating it.
To create smart, productive, and beneficial ideas for entertainment, education and knowledge, as well as contributing to the development and the embodiment of the Arab and humanitarian media work, with openness, communication, cooperation, development, relations and applications of technology and partnerships and the success of the Internet of things. Also provide specialized media training and benefit from the long and compact experiences of the Sana Media Group, as well as digital, technical, marketing and useful studies.


Syrian International Business Association

Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Film Producers Association in Turkey

United States Distance Learning Association

Turkish Phonographic Industry Society

Saleem Abdulkader

Abdullah Zanjer

Muhammad Sadad Akkad

Fakhri Zanjir

Mahmoud Sukkar